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Affiliate FAQ

Have questions about our Affiliate Network? Get answers here with our Frequently Asked Questions! 1.What is the Affiliate Network?
2.How do I get started?
3.How does the Respond Affiliate Network work?
4.How do my visitors benefit?
5.How much does it cost?
6.How much money will I earn?
7.How often will I get paid?
8.How do I create links to Respond and what types of links will be available?
9.What if I don't know how to write HTML code or use my site development tool?
10.Is my Web site eligible for the Respond Affiliate Network?
11.What are my responsibilities as a member of the Respond Affiliate Network?
12.Will I need to provide customer service?
13.What is considered a valid request?
14.What is considered an active seller?
15.Whom do I contact with additional questions about the Respond Affiliate Network?

What is the Affiliate Network?
The Affiliate Network gives you the opportunity to generate easy income from your Web site by referring visitors to our service. It also gives you the opportunity to enhance your Web site with a valuable service.


How do I get started?
First, complete the short and easy online
Affiliate Network Application.

Then, once you’ve been notified of approval for the Respond Affiliate Network, set up a link to the Respond Web site in the Banners, Buttons, & Text Links section, and you’re ready to start earning money!


How does the Respond Affiliate Network work?
The Respond Affiliate Network is a relationship between you and Respond. You help Respond by referring buyers to our service, and in return, we generously compensate you for your help. You simply create a link to Respond on your Web site (we provide you with the available links and everything else you'll need to promote Respond). When your referrals use our service according to our Affiliate Network specifications, we give you a referral bonus to say "Thank you." You'll earn up to $10.00 when a visitor from your Web site links to Respond and submits a valid request or becomes a member of our business network. You'll be credited only for the first request submitted per unique visitor from your Web site, and once for every unique, approved business registration.


How do my visitors benefit?
Your link to the Respond Web site will give your visitors access to our innovative service.  Respond brings together local buyers with local businesses without the hassles of traditional yellow page searches. Your Web site visitors will appreciate you giving them the opportunity to benefit from Respond.


How much does it cost?
Joining the Respond Affiliate Network is totally free!


How much money will I earn?
You'll earn $10.00 when a visitor from your sites becomes an active seller in our business network, and $0.50 when a visitor from your Web site links to Respond and submits a valid request. You'll be credited only for the first request submitted per unique visitor from your Web site.


How often will I get paid?
You will receive payments on a quarterly basis in the form of a check. If your earnings are less that $50.00 in a given quarter, we'll carry the total over to the following quarter.


How do I create links to Respond and what types of links will be available?
Please check out the
Banners, Buttons, & Text Links section. Included are directions on how to copy images and text links to your Web site.


What if I don't know how to write HTML code or use my site development tool?
We've made our links simple so that all you need to do is cut and paste them right into your Web pages.


Is my Web site eligible for the Respond Affiliate Network?
Anyone may apply to the Affiliate Network, and most Web sites will qualify. However, the Web sites of all potential Affiliates will be subject to review prior to acceptance, and we may choose to reject any Web site that we determine to be unsuitable for our Affiliate Network.

Please note that Respond is currently only considering Web sites composed in English and based in the United States and Canada.


What are my responsibilities as a member of the Respond Affiliate Network?
As a Respond Affiliate Network member, you must ensure that your Web site does not violate any copyright, trademark, or other laws.


Will I need to provide customer service?
You will not need to provide any customer service! Respond holds full responsibility for providing top-notch customer service. We will resolve any questions or issues promptly and to the satisfaction of our users.


What is considered a valid request?
A valid request is one that is reasonable, legitimate, and complete and that has been approved by our internal quality control systems.


What is an active seller
An active seller is a business that has completed the registration process, provided credit card information, purchased a minimum of a three (3) month subscription, and been approved by our internal quality control systems.


Whom do I contact with additional questions about the Respond Affiliate Network?
If you have further questions about the Respond Affiliate Network, please feel free to contact us at


Click here to join the Respond Affiliate Network!

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